Collusion between the Officials and the businessmen harmed the people badly
The owners of the Miri high street commercial shop reflected to The DAP Miri branch chairman PT Fong, at present, the expenses for the reconstruction fees of the high street commercial shophouses reached 180 thousand are unreasonable. In fact, basically those shophouses do not need to be reconstructed, minor changed the lignin floors into the cement floors will do, as for the roofs, made a firewall to separate them from the shophouses next door will do. Pay for an extra of ten over thousand for no reasons.
PT Fong asked that owner further why did he agree to reconstruct initially, the owner expressed that if they did not agree to do so, their land title could not be renewed, therefore, they just allowed themselves to be trampled upon! PT Fong expressed, in the society of the domineering corrupt officials and the collusion between the officials and the businessmen, some people therefore turned very rich, take “Datuk”, the common people are the one who pay deeply for the grieved price.
According to the owners, their shop was just like a bird nest, once you spoilt it and even then after all if made a new bird nest back, the original bird who lived there would not fly back again. The similar situation also occurred on the old customers, due to the reconstruction, when they had traded for new patrons, new stores, it was very difficult to lead them back. It caused the merchants suffered further from great misfortune, the owners often were asked for the reduction of the rental.
At present, the chamber of commerce are catching up with the construction of the stalls on the high street sidewalk, how many old customers can be attracted back is also a queries of many merchants, if those stall keepers are not properly arranged, it could be a possibility that the present merchants are even more difficult to thrive in business.
Tuesday, 30 January 2007
商官勾結 害慘人民
Posted by
Fong Pau Teck 房保德
Monday, 29 January 2007
The event about the flight schedules cannot be linked up and almost let the passengers suffered from great loss.
Due to the weather problem and caused the flight schedules delayed yesterday, the Minister of Tourism YB Dato Sri Wong Soon Koh also faced the same problem. At the same time, there was a group of tourists from West Malaysia who wished to go to Mulu but due to the cancellation of the flight from FAX, caused their returned trip could not link up with the Air Asia flight schedule, and therefore, complained to The Dap Miri Branch chairman PT Fong.
At the same time, when Fong was dealing with the concerned matter, he coincidently met with the Minister of Tourism YB Dato Sri Wong at the airport and intended to reflect the concerned matter to him. Who knows The Minister of Tourism has a very good juggling skill, he replied immediately: "This is the problem of the airline company; the airline company is under the federal issue, we had quarrelled severely on this issue in the cabinet, no solution! You go and ask your big brother Lim Kit Siang, put some efforts on this too! Request you big brother Lim Kit Siang to voice out, ask your bother Lim to voice out, I have no way out!"
Mr. Fong believed that as a Minister of Tourism, it is hard to make people to believe that he cannot solve the problems of the flight schedules between the difference airline companies which had seriously affected the local tourism industry. The foreign tourists saw the attractive propaganda advertisement and came to visit with high enthusiasm, but experienced bitter experience when they were here, once they went back, they will surely “propagandize” all of their bitter experience, and caused for others who have great intension to pay a visit to Sarawak finally reduce the moods and change their mind not to visit here, this situation affects seriously our local tourism industry. As the Minister of Tourism in Sarawak, as regards with the serious problems, he not only shrieked his responsibility, but to push the responsibility to Lim Kit Siang. If it is like this, does Dato Wong agree that there are no Supp’s YB or ministers, even other BN Chinese based political party are unable to solve this problem too, and must be solved by Lim Kit Siang from DAP? If this is the case, then to be a Minister of Tourism supposed to take the blame and resign, and let Lim Kit Siang to take over the post. With such a Minister of Tourism in Sarawak, how could Miri achieve the dream to be the City of
To be the Minister of Tourism but cannot solve the problem, why finally through the hard work form The DAP Miri Branch chairman PT Fong, Fax at last compromised, and undertook all the expenses involved due to the delayed of the flights! But one thing made people extremely pity is that, to be a Minister of Tourism, he cannot do his job well and he is incompetent when comes to his own responsibility! Many thing can be done, but the person just don’t want to do it!
Sarawak government handed the airline authority to Fax and Airasia. These two companies should take up the social responsibility, and should not just aim for money making, only gaining but no compensating type of business. At present, Fax can offer the same air fares price to Mulu as if it was done by the Malaysian Airline before, then What Malaysian Airline could do before, Fax also can do the same too. The Nation image and the social responsibility all need to look after, cannot consider only money making! If the country did not give the airline authorities to these two airline companies, where can the Airline gain money?

Posted by
Fong Pau Teck 房保德
Sunday, 14 January 2007
批判高官政策惨遭禁足砂拉越 陈成兴遭扣于美里机场移民厅事件
In accordance with the incident Tan Seng Hin was detained in the Immigration Department at Miri Airport on 12 Jan, The DAP Miri branch chairman Fong Pau Teck led several DAP members to distribute the circular during the meeting of the Hainan Association Miri (海南會館) at the scene this noon. The circular was an issue published by Malaysiakini <當今大馬> on its website on 12 Jan concerning about the news of Tan Seng Hin was being retained at Miri Airport.
Because of the local newspaper did not publish any news on this, PT Fong believed that many of the Miri people did not know the occurrence of this incident, especially the Hainan fellows in Miri has the necessity to know this incident.
According to the news published by Malaysiakini《當今大馬》on its website on 12 Jan, from the entire event point of view, Fong believed that the whole incident was led by the SUPP chairman G.Chan(陳康南) behind the scene. PT Fong called upon the entire Hainan fellows to refuse the totalitarian political party and its totalitarian leaders.
Tan SH made used of the opportunity to come back in hope to share greatly with all the Hainan fellows for the chairman of Hainan Association (海南會館) had been elected to be the board of director of SM Pei Ming (培民中學) during the Hainan Association Annual general meeting, PT Fong did not know why this 67 years old kind and enthusiastic man who also Chinese Educationist when returned to Miri and hope to share pleasantly with the Hainan fellows was being detained at Miri Airport. From this incident, Fong Pau Teck was doubting that SUPP is oppressing the Chinese Education now, because SUPP chairman G.Chan was oppressing the Chinese Education Warrior Ting SH.
According to Malaysiakini, Tan SH believed that the reason he was being deported, was due to when he was the secretary of Miri Hainan Association in 2000, he opposed strongly the deputy minister allowed Curtin University of Technology to build a branch in Miri. At that time, he voiced out the worries of the local people who concerned about the Chinese Education, the establishment of Curtin University of Technology will cause the Chinese Independent Schools in Sarawak to use English as the main language for teaching, deteriorate Chinese Independent school gradually, in order to ensure that the sources for the recruitment of new students come unceasingly.
Criticised on the decision of G.Chan to set up a university brought calamity on himself
It is to believed that the ex-secretary of Miri Hainan Association was because of his criticism on SUPP chairman G.Chan and made the Sarawak government to prohibit him from entering the state, and once again was deported by the Sarawak Immigration. But before this, he had successfully entered and left Sarawak several times.
67 years old Mr.Tan took his flight from Johor Bahru to Miri yesterday, he was intercepted by the Immigration staff when he arrived at the Miri Airport at 12:45pm,and prohibited him to leave the airport.
When he was interviewed by Malaysiakini through the phone, he expressed that the Immigration staff told him verbally, they followed the instruction based on the Sarawak Security Council (砂州安全理事会), prohibited him from entering Miri, but did not disclose any further details.
Many times of “accidentally” entered Sarawak to vote
Was born in Malacca, stayed in Miri for about 23 years with his wife and 2 children, was deported and prohibited to enter Sarawak for about a year by the Sarawak government on 6 Jan 2001, the prohibition rule expired on 6 Dec the same year. Within these period of time, he “accidentally” entered Sarawak in Sep to vote, but was deported after just a few days. After the expiry of the prohibition, he successfully went back to his home during the Chinese New Year in January of 2002, but he was deported again after that. Due to this reason he could not go back to his home, he decided to settle down in Johor Baru, and went to work in China after that.
Tan SH expressed, within the time of the 2004 National election and the state election last year, he successfully entered Sarawak for voting without any obstruction, and after that he still entered Sarawak successfully for a few times. “I told them that there was no problem for my previous enterings, but they said that was the carelessness of the official.”
In April 2001, deputy home affair minister Zainal Abidin Zin answered the question which was brought up by the members of parliament of the frontier party, he expressed, the reason to deport Ting SH was because he involved in those activities which harmed the harmonies of the society, and he did not express gratitude to the Sarawak Government which allowed him to take up his residence for 23 years, to fan up the local people, and used the name of the secretary of Sarawak Hainan Association to critic the Sarawak state government.But, the government until now still cannot show any prove.
“This is unreasonable and illegal, I did not do any offense, and I did not have any bad record. This goes against the country constitution, the constitution allowed the people have the right to go around freely in the country.” Ting SH expressed.
根據《當今大馬》的報導,陈成兴则相信本身遭驱逐的原因,是因为他在2000年担任美里海南会馆秘书时,反对副首席部长陈康南允许澳洲科廷科技大学(Curtin University of Technology)在美里开设分校。当时,他提出当地华教人士的担忧,既科廷大学的设立将导致砂州的独中采用英语教学,逐渐变质,以确保大学的学生来源不断。
相信是因批判人联党主席陈康南而遭砂拉越政府禁足的前美里海南会馆秘书陈成兴,再次遭到砂拉越移民厅禁止入境。惟在这之前,他已数次成功进出砂拉越。 现年67岁的陈成兴是在昨日从新山乘搭飞机至美里,在12日下午3时45分抵达美里机场时被移民厅官员拦截,禁止他离开机场。
“这是不合理也不合法的,我不曾犯罪,我没有不良记录。这是违反国家宪法的,宪法赋予国民在国内自由行动的权利。” 陳成興表示。
Posted by
Fong Pau Teck 房保德
Thursday, 11 January 2007
行動黨美里支部主席房保德不但響應培中董事長的號召,同時也要呼籲華社和行動黨的支持者來一起響應培中董事長的號召。唯因其本身的經濟能力有限,本着有一分熱發一分光的精神,行動黨黨員與幾位不願俱名的支持者在經費非常侷促的情況下共同籌了一筆為數不足掛齒的款項-- 伍仟貳佰捌拾捌令吉(RM5288),也來響應培中董事長的這個號召,同時他也要呼籲華社和行動黨的支持群眾踴躍來響應,今後全力支持美里僅存的華文獨中。
DAP Miri calls the movement of the donation to SM Pei Ming
Dap Miri branch donated RM5288 for SM Pei Ming,at the same time, a campaign where each person donates RM10 each month being called, to response to the permanent education fund plan which was proposed by the board of director of SM Pei Ming, Lawyer Jimmy Wee.
The picture shows that Fong Pau Teck (middle) handed over RM5288 to the new board of director Lawyer Jimmy Wee of SM Pei Ming, the first on the right is The Dap Miri branch vice-chairman Kong Muk King,the third on the right is The Dap Miri branch treasurer Hii Yu Huat.
When Jimmy Wee lawyer, the board of director of SM Pei Ming, announced the preliminary fundamentals for the future development of the school administration, he proposed to establish a permanent education fund plan. The planning of this “seed fund” obtained great response from the devoted Chinese educationists who also donated money enthusiastically; this situation was spirited up people warmly.
Lawyer Jimmy Wee expressed, will do his best to implement the school objective which is grasped by the school founder into effect, he promised that whatever difficult situation he faces, he will never deviate from the Chinese Education policy which Dong Jiao Zong (董教總) persisted, as well as will not vacillate the mother tongue education which has been cultivated since the establishment of the school.
Lawyer Jimmy Wee promised to use the same successful experience, which has been successfully used to manage the Hainan Association, to manage SM Pei Ming continuously. We believed this is a good cheer and the anticipation fervently for the whole Miri even the whole country Chinese society as well as the Chinese educationists. The hope and the love from the Chinese society and the Chinese education enthusiasts toward the only Chinese Independent School in Miri is undoubtedly, we can see this situation from the warm-hearted response of the Chinese society.
The Dap Miri branch chairman Fong Pau Teck not only responded positively to the SM Pei Ming board of director’s appeal, but also he called upon the Chinese society and the DAP supporters to respond to this call simultaneously . Just because his financial ability is limited, with the spirit of accumulated water becomes rivers, in an extremely cramped situation, DAP members and some supporters who did not want to be named also responded to this call and raised an amount which is not worth mentioning of the amount of RM5288. At the same time he also wants to call upon the Chinese society and the DAP supporters to respond enthusiastically, from now on to support fully the only Chinese Independent School left in Miri.
At Present, the BN government ignors the constitutions which allow the national to have the right to enjoy and to receive the mother tongue education, no institutionalization to allocate fund for the Chinese Independent School, in an untold hardships situation, the Chinese society resolutely shoulder this responsibility which originally belongs to the government. Every year, the Chinese Independent School is under extremely difficult and hard situation to keep forging ahead, relies on its own effort to pass through several decades of hardship. As a Malaysian, the Chinese Independent School students cannot enjoy the same level of education right compared to the government school students which really made people feel indignant. Today, with the cooperation of the whole Chinese society, vowed to manage this Chinese Independent School well and work hard for it unremitting diligently, actually is visibly touched, in an utterly helpless situation, the “seed fund” plan of the SM Pei Ming made the Chinese society see the immeasurable hopes and turning points, looking forward to hope SM Pei Ming can forever be managed well through this plan.
Fong Pau Teck expressed further based on the following several reasons, he cannot see any reasons of the government not to institutionalise and allocate fund to the Chinese Independent School.
First, many states government has subsidised the Chinese Independent School; there is no reason for the Sarawak government to say that it cannot make it.
Second, The Chinese Independent School brought up many talented people, great contributions to the country.
Third, the parents of the Independent School students are all taxpayers, why can’t the Chinese Independent School students enjoy the same level of education right?
Below are the situations of the allocation of funds by the state government to the Independent School:
From 1985 to 1994, Sabah PBS state government took the lead to allocate fund for the state Chinese Independent School annually, in 1994, BN took over the Sabah State government, not only it did not cancel PBS’s rule of the fund allocation to the Independent School annually, in order to express BN will make better than PBS, but also it turned up the PBS annual fund allocation to the Chinese Independent School from 1 million to 1.5 million, 1.8 million in 2001, and then raised to 2 million. In December 2005, moreover, the Sabah State government allocated RM4.96 million to all the State Chinese Independent Schools and Chinese schools included the Chinese Primary school and the Chinese kindergarten.
Entered the 21st century, The Malacca State government broke the several decades of tradition to allocate RM100 thousand of scholarships to SM Pei Fong (培風中學), and then even added on the administration fees up to total RM200 thousand in the year 2003.
The Penang State government allocated RM150 thousand to the state Chinese Independent School, raised up to 200 thousand in 2003.
Kedah State government allocated 150 thousand to the State Chinese Independent School in 2002.
Selangor State government also announced to allocate 200 thousand to the State Chinese Independent School in 2003.
Kelantan, the extreme Islam State government also announced to allocate One thousand acres to the only State Chinese Independent School SM Chung Hua (中華中學), and also gave a permanent land title.
(05/01/04 《南洋商報精編版》materials)
Posted by
Fong Pau Teck 房保德