Sunday, 29 April 2007

地方議員不民選之後遺症 又一例證 Another illustration, a sequela found where the local councillors are not elected by the people.

地方議員不民選之後遺症 又一例證
Another illustration, a sequela found where the local councillors are not elected by the people.

According to the local residents, Permyjaya, lane 4-7, the drainage cover had been stolen one year ago. Since there are 27 councillors in the city council, each area are adopted by difference city councillors. A drainage cover had lost for a year, why not even one of the councillors came out to help them to voice out?

In accordance with the bombarded made by the Miri City councillors, “city councillors are not entitled to receive any salary, they can only obtain a subsidy of RM50 for each meeting, not more than 7 times a month for the maximum total of RM350. In addition, city councillor has to care about his /her own work, family, association and political party, may say doing several things at the same time are lack of techniques”.

Fong said, because of these, you have your own work, family, association and political party, you are lack of techniques and turned out to be helpless in serving the people. Therefore, we as general public deemed that local councilors should be elected by the people, we then only can choose a capable and zealous councilors to serve the people well.

Fong pointed out that not only in Miri but also other place, a lot of the city councillors take the government project, use the post of him/herself as a councillor to obtain individual related benefit, this is a fact which is well-known by the public. Whereas some city councillors are the big employer/boss, or take the post of the high executive level who entitles for high salary in certain organisation, should they care about the only RM350? Many city councillors just want to hang a title "councillor " for themselves only, How many local councillors really want to serve and contribute him/herself to work as a councillor? Presently, city councillors are used as the tool in which the ruler party used a reward for those who angkat kaki for the party. This has totally lost the value to be as a local councillor.

Local council should belong to all of the people, but not for certain political parties, Today’s city council is just like Supp’s or BN city council, only the members of Supp, BN are allowed to become the councillors. Fong interrogates the city council about the assessment fees from non Supp’s and BN supporter, won’t you accept their payment? Taxes are collected from all the people, then, why can’t the city councillors be elected by the people too? Let all the capable people, regardless of any political parties can be elected as the councillor to supervise the operation of the local parliament, and to eradicate all the corrupt practices?







Miri - The travelling city has become a flooded land

Rain has turned Miri into water land in many places; some areas were still drenched even though the weather turned sunny.

The picture showed that the ponding places found at the junction in front of certain shops in Dudan(杜當) area. Many areas in Dudan(杜當) still occurred the similar situation.

DAP Miri branch chairman, Fong Pau Teck called upon the authorities concerned, the contractors as well as the management in city council, to pay more attention on this.

Mr Fong also pointed out that the main reason to cause that situation is because of the local councillors was not elected by the people, the city councillors only know how to take projects and did not how to pay attentive attention to the populace′s problems, from here, we may foresee the important of Public Election of our local council.




Saturday, 14 April 2007


The senior members of DAP Miri gave an open letter to Mr Chong (張官發)
Responded to Mr Chong (張官發) ridiculed DAP’s arrogant press statement:

The senior members of DAP Miri would like to thank the advise given from Mr Chong (張官發) ex-comrade, Mr Chong (張官發) pointed out in his press statement, DAP competed for the Miri Parliament seat lost steadily during last 25 years. In 2004, DAP Miri even because of the candidate’s problem “offer” the seat out. Even if in 1999 the parliament election sent out the super-heavyweight candidate Doctor Yii (易修祺) still turned over disappointedly. Mr Chong ( 張官發) pointed out, 1990 and 1999, the 2 sessions of election were recognised to be the most advantageous election for the frontier party, and also simultaneously appeared the most competent candidate, DAP was still unable to break through 30% of obtainable votes, therefore, this party should propose an even competent candidate….

The senior members of DAP Miri has some doubts, did not know whether ex-comrade Mr Chong has turned old or memories declined? or has he suffered from Dementia? Anyway, all our present senior comrades still want to remind Mr Chong, the ex-old comrade, remembered that you had been a DAP’s candidate representing the state election in 1987, you obtained 3 figures “high number of vote” 254 votes, you really let the people feel extremely admired! Because you marched forward courageously, you not only became DAP Miri’s branch chairman in 90′s, you became the Sarawak state DAP′s vice-chairman from 1992 to 1994, you were prestige enough by that years! DAP Miri in those 10 to 20 over years lost steadily under your “wise” leadership. Obviously, you are really “good” in leading! With your “good” leadership within those so many years, after you led us to “Holland”, you turned to a “Frog Prince” and jumped onto the ship of PKR, hope you won’t lead this ship to “Holland” again. Within these years, your performance in DAP Miri, your images that Miri people stamped in their mind are “still very clear”, moreover, you should “read” your own heart “well”.

In 1999 parliament election, super-heavyweight candidate Doctor Yii (易修祺) turned over disappointedly, really had to give “credit” to you as a “super duper heavyweight election campaign in charge” for the election campaign in Miri constituency, remembered at that time Doctor Yii shared with some of our comrades that he had thrown a house away, but we saw you at that time with “completely full” in both pockets, the fullness pockets almost made you hard to move your steps forward, hahaha! Do you still remember those amusing thing years ago? Who was the person who hanged in on the stool and didn’t want to shit? What was your performance and what had you done during those ten over years when you were leading DAP in Miri? Miri people had witnessed everything.

DAP was unable to break through 30% of the obtainable votes at the golden age, because there was a “devil” in DAP Miri, how could we break through the evil curse? We can see and prove by taking a look at last year state election, our present chairman Fong Pau Teck obtained 5123 votes in one constituency, but to add the votes together from the two candidates of the two constituencies from your party, still cannot compare with the individual result obtained from our present chairman PT Fong. We wonder whether the evil curse had been brought by the king devil to your party, or that might due to the two candidates are originally “skinny bones”, to add the weights of the two persons, the component still cannot compare with our present chairman Fong.

Mr Chong, our ex-comrade, we as human beings supposed to act honestly, you mentioned that DAP Miri “offered out” the parliamentary seat in 2004, but you did not say that finally who had “sold out” this parliamentary seat , and let Mr Chan(陳華貴) won uncontested.
Ex-comrade Mr Chong, we being the human being who drink the water must know where the water come from. Please be honest and not to speak boast. We should be loyal and devoted good services to the people, moreover, be a responsible man, not to shirk the responsibilities. Fortunately, DAP Miri had not been destroyed almost by you; this is because of the fully sustainable support from all of our senior comrades here! Finally we hope that you become a good person after you had jumped to the ship of PKR, otherwise, PKR had a friend like you, PKR will not need other enemies any more!

From: DAP Miri senior members

民主行動黨美里支部老黨員們要感謝張官發老前同志的指教,張官發在其文告中指出,行動黨競逐美里國會議席25年以來屢戰屢敗,2004年甚至因為候選人難產而將議席 “出讓”。即使1999年國會大選派出超重量級候選人易修祺醫生仍然鎩羽而歸。張官發更指出,在1990及1999兩屆被公認為最有利於在野黨的大選,且同時出現最具份量候選人的時機,行動黨尚且無法突破30%得票率魔咒,因此該黨應該提出更具份量的候選人…

同為行動黨美里支部的一群老黨員感到疑惑,不知張老前同志是年老了記憶衰退?還是患了老年痴呆症?但無論如何我們這些前老同志還是要在這裡提醒張前同志,記得你在1987年州選時當上民主行動黨候選人,你的得了3位數的 “高” 票254票,你真讓人感到非常欽佩呀!因為你還勇往直前,不但在90年代開始你當上了美里支部主席,你更是在1992年到1994年當上全砂行動黨的副主席,當年的你可說風光非常呀!美里行動黨二十幾年以來在你 “英明” 的領導之下的屢戰屢敗,可見你真的領導 “有” 方呀!在你領導 “有” 方這麼多年把我們帶到 “荷蘭” 之後,你又變成了 “青蛙王子” 一跳又跳到了公正黨的船上了,希望你別又把這船再次開到“荷蘭”了。這些年來你在美里行動黨的表現,你在美里人民的心目中可說大家都 “心知肚明”,而且你自己也 “心理” 也非常 “有數”。

1999年國會大選超重量級候選人易修祺醫生鎩羽而歸,還真的要歸功於你這位當時行動黨美里國會候區的 “超重量級”的 “競選行動主任”,記得當時易醫生跟我們這些同志說他把一間房子都丟了,但我們却看到你當時那兩個 “褲袋” “滿滿”,走路差點都走不動了,哈哈!不知這些陳年趣事你還可記得?當時那 “芧坑” 不知是被誰霸著却又拉不出屎來?你領導行動黨美里支部十幾二十年以來有什麼表現?美里人民有目共睹!

行動黨在當時有利時機尚無法突破30%得票率魔咒,那是因為當時行動黨裡有個 “魔頭” 在,怎麼能突破魔咒呢?我們可看一看去年的州選就知道了,我們現任主席房保德一個選區得票5123票,而貴黨兩位候選人兩個選區得票相加,還不如我們現任主席房保德一個人那麼多。不知是那魔咒已被魔頭帶到貴黨了,還是貴黨那兩位選候人 “瘦骨如柴”,兩人重量相加,份量還不如我們現任支部主席房保德?

張前同志我們做人應該老實點,你說2004年行動黨將美里國席 “出讓”,但你沒說這個國席最後被誰給 “出賣” 了,而讓陳華貴不勞而獲?



Moreover, on 26 May, DAP Miri will hold a banquet at Golden Restaurant, heavy weighted leaders from the federal and Sarawak too will attend, DAP Miri called upon all the people to buy tickets to attend enthusiastically.


Sunday, 1 April 2007


Sarawak Sesco has not right to increase the electrical rate.