Thursday 27 September 2007


Collusion between the politician and the businessmen is the main reason to cause the shortage of the cement

Fong Pau Teck received complaint from the construction workers said that, they wanted to work, but due to the lack of cement, caused a stoppage at their work, the boss ordered them to stop working. The family's livelihood becomes the problem immediately. Moreover, PT Fong pointed out that because the construction industry is the locomotive of the economy, if this locomotive has stopped, many things will be stopping down too! Such as the hardware industry, shipping industry, dining industry, even the retail trade and so on!

There are two cement manufacturing factories in Sarawak, supply the entire market in Sarawak. One is located in Kuching, another is located in Bintulu.

The news has pointed out that, the cement shortage problem appeared at present, caused by two main reasons, the cement factory in Bintulu is still under repair, expected to restore supply at the end of the month; In addition, the cement suppliers put the blame on the big storm, the sailing shipment is unable to meet the arrangement is the main cause.

Some constructors believed that, big storm appears every end of the year, the person-in-charge of the cement factory should do the preparatory work well, for instance, arrange for the consignment earlier, store in the warehouses in different places.

The cement factory in Bintulu actually should plan early before its renovation, pay some hard work, ensure that there will be sufficient supply of the cement.

From the news, CMSB is the only cement manufacturer in Sarawak, and the company has a deal with Maybach investment company and the son of former PM Tun Dr. M.

Moreover, the chairman of the Malaysian construction union pointed out that, at present, the construction industry is facing the globalization cement and steel bar's pricing upsurge problem. He said, one of the cement factory in our country make guarantee to the trade union, the cement supply in the coming 10 years should not be a problem. Therefore, he thought that the cement problem as well as the shortage of the steel and iron should not occur originally, only because of some merchants stock the source privately with the aim of making high profit.

The cement shortage problem which appeared in Miri recent months, make many construction sites therefore lock-out, the construction workers have no work, and the livelihoods are affected. PT Fong pointed out that, this is the cause of the collusion between the politician and the businessmen.

If the two cement factories in Sarawak are unable to supply sufficient source of cement, the government should allow the cement suppliers to import cement from the neighbouring country in order to solve the pressing needs. Why can’t our government open up cement import? There is a very big question mark behind the story!






資料顯示,砂州日光是砂州唯一的洋灰生產商。砂州日光(CMSB, 2852)通過子公司CMS洋灰私人有限公司,和Maybach投資公司和敦馬哈迪的公子米爾佔馬哈迪簽署附帶條件的股權買賣協議。




Sunday 23 September 2007




The DAP Miri branch committee member Mr Yong believed that, the local council must be elected by the people, in order to eradicate corruption, abuse of power and inefficiency.

From the photo we can see that Moist Jaya's drainage covers have been disappeared long time ago, however, after published in the newspaper for more than weeks but the concerned authority still does not take any action to handle it, there are piles of rubbish in the drainage.

The people who pay the tax are impossible to delay the payment, will be fined after the due date. However, the local council collects taxes but can do nothing.

Mr. Yong calls upon all the Miri people to use their votes to teach BN's corrupted local council a good lesson in the coming parliament election.

Sunday 9 September 2007

27 位美里市議員在哪裡?

DAP Miri Branch Chairman Fong Pau Teck received complaints from some merchants from the Moist Jaya, the drainage covers have already been stolen for a long time, but did not see any action has been taken by the city council. Some covers have been stolen for more than a year, also has not seen the city council comes to reinforce those which have not been stolen in order to prevent from thievery, and caused recently some existing drainage covers in front of some shop houses were stolen again.

The shop owners worried that such deep drainage, the children, run here and there to play around, might accidentally fall inside and injured. If these happen, who has to pay the compensation? If some elders, especially those eye sight are not good, walk pass and accidentally fall inside, the consequences are extremely inconceivable. Whether the city council will take up the responsibility at that moment?

Many residents are doubting about the management ability of the city council, the cases of iron stealing was not only happening recently, why has not welded the existing cover of the iron drainage yet? Or has already had "communicated" with the iron stealing thieves? Let them steal the iron cover entirely?

Except the scrap iron yard, where should those things go? Why do not see any scrap yard which collected "stolen goods” being punished? What had the city council done about this? Where are the city councillors?

Moreover, Fong Pau Teck calls upon SUPP to work hard on " improving the existing democratic politics", from the controversy of the Kuching South City mayor, we may see that the immense power of SUPP in the state government has been sidelined. SUPP now can "seize the opportunity" to impel the mayor and the city councillors to be elected by the people, return the politic power to the people.

At least, if the mayor and the city councillors are elected by the people, the opportunities SUPP hold are still bigger than the other political parties, this act can also hold the political strength of this party. And not like now, depend slavishly upon the whims and the pleasures of others and live on one's favours. If Supp do not strive for the breakthrough in politics, the political strength will be inferior day after day; this will finally have to be hoist with its own petard. Moreover, if it calls into action to impel and deepen the political democratization like the local council is elected by the people, may also leave a good reputation in Sarawak history.

Otherwise, if Supp has lost its government position one by one, it will only leave people an "incompetent" impression!



溝通?讓他們盡量去偷?而且這些東西除了去癈鐵廠還會去哪裡?怎麼沒看到收 贓物的癈鐵廠受到對付?在這當中市政府做了什麼?市議員又在哪裡?

房保德要呼籲人聯黨要在 改善現有的民主政治上多做出一些努力,從古晉南市市長的爭議上,我們可以看出目前人聯黨在州政府內己經大權落旁。人聯黨現在可以 乘機推動市長和市議員民選,還政於民。最起碼市長和市議員如民選的話,人聯黨選上的機會都大於讓何其他的政黨,此舉也可保有該黨的政治實力。而不是像現在一樣,仰人鼻息和看某人臉色做事。不求在政治上的突破,政治實力一天不如一天,這最終將必自食其果!而且如推動和加深政治民主化如地方議會民選,也可以在砂州史上留下好名聲。否則,如一個官位接着一個官位的失去的話,只會給人民留下一個 無能的印象。

Friday 7 September 2007

Democracy is a form of politics in which all the people should participate

Ancient Greek philosopher Plato has said: “ Not involving in politics will face its punishment; you will be ruled by those who are worse than you or by useless .” Moreover, one of Plato's students Aristotle also said: “ The aim of the politics is to seek for righteousness.”

We are nowadays in this democratic system should participate more in politics, pay more attention to our country’s political issues, otherwise, just like Plato said, facing its punishment; we are ruled by those who are worse than us or by useless. The society nowadays is facing the
deteriorating crime situation, even the former IGP’s house was broken into by burglars, and we may also become the next target or the next victim anytime. Corruption is every where now, cause us in unconsciously pay the prices, without any pain nor itch situation, the pocket crack continuously, do not know how much money has flown out from our pocket to fill the corruption’s bottomless hole in our country.

The aim of all the people should participate in the politics, just like what Aristotle said, the aim of the politics is to seek for righteousness, it is to request to achieve the best. If that can be achieved, we then only will not be facing the situation as badly as even sleeping in the home also has to worry about the gun bandits will break into the house to rob; and will also not let our pocket crack continuously, due to the national corruption, to fill the bottomless hole in the corruption.

Certainly, there are many forms to participate in politics, like voting is the most directly.

Moreover, we may also participate in any function in political party. On 6 October 2007(Saturday), DAP Miri Branch will also hold a Moon Cake festival solidarity dinner function in Boulevard Restaurant, the Dap Miri Branch chairman calls upon Miri people to attend this grand feast enthusiastically. It has been known that DAP does not get any forms of subsidy from the government, DAP must depend on the support from all the people so as to have powerful strength to be able to go for the long-term battle, to stand together with the people, to strive for the biggest benefit for the people.

Wednesday 5 September 2007

民主 政治就是全民參與的政治

古希臘哲學家柏拉圖就說過:不參於政治必將面對其一懲罰, 就是你會被比你差勁的人所統治另外他的學生亚里士多德也说:“政治的目标是追求至善。”




另外也可參與民主的盛宴。民主行動黨美里支部也將與106(星期六)假富麗華大酒家舉辦一場中秋團結晚宴,民主行動美里支部主席呼籲美里市民踴躍的來參加這場民主的盛宴。眾所周知民主行動黨不支領政府的任何形式的津貼,行動黨必需要靠大家的支持才能 長期的抗戰,與民眾站在一起,為人民爭取最大的福祉。

Tuesday 4 September 2007

Malaysia is not an Islamic State

1. What is an Islamic State ?

“Islamic State” is a State governed and guided by Islamic principles. In an Islamic State, all citizens, whether they are Muslims or non-Muslims, must abide by Islamic rules and regulations, and must be governed and ruled according to Islamic principles.

In 2001, a scholar well-versed in Islamic jurisprudence, Chandra Muzaffar, wrote an article in Penang, affirming that: the Quran makes no mention of the establishment of an “Islamic State”.

Patricia Martinez, a Ph.D holder, pointed out that, in an Islamic State, non-Muslims are known as Dhimmi (or Zimmi). Dhimmi are in fact people who are subjugated by the Muslims. They are only entitled to be second-class citizens. They do not enjoy equal rights as ordinary Muslims do. This goes against the provisions of the Federal Constitution which guarantee fundamental liberties, that is, basic human rights. In other words, such practice violates the constitutional provision of the fundamental human right of “equality before the law” (See Article 8).

This would mean that, once our country becomes an Islamic State, it will adversely affect the position, interests and rights of the non-Muslims. That will have far-reaching consequences and implications on the rights of various communities in all aspects, such as political, economic, cultural and educational aspects.

2. Federal Constitution : Malaysia is a secular state

As a constitutional democracy, Malaysia is not an Islamic State according to our Federal Constitution and the existing law. Whether or not our country is an Islamic State, is not to be arbitrarily declared by an executive head of the government.

The administrative head of the government must act according to the Federal Constitution and the existing law. If he acts according to his whims and fancies, having no regard for the provisions of the Federal Constitution and the current law, this country is no longer a constitutional democracy. In reality, it is sliding towards authoritarianism, or fast becoming an oligarchy, that is, a government by a tiny minority.

The provisions of the Constitution and the laws of a genuine Islamic State usually state clearly that the country is an Islamic State. Good examples are Iran and Pakistan. However, our Federal Constitution stipulates otherwise:

“Islam is the religion of the Federation; but other religions may be practised in peace and harmony in any part of the Federation”: Article 3(1).

“Every person has the right to profess and practise his religion and … to propagate it”: Article 11 (1).

3. Historical facts show that Malaysia is a secular state!

(1) In 1957, just before independence, the Reid Constitutional Commission drafted the “Constitution of the Federation of Malaya”. The Report of the Reid Commission, in paragraph 169, says:

“We have considered the question whether there should be any statement in the Constitution to the effect that Islam should be the State religion. There was universal agreement that if any such provision were inserted it must be made clear that it would not in any way affect the civil rights of non-Muslims.

“In the memorandum submitted by the Alliance it was stated that the religion of Malaysia shall be Islam. The observance of this principle shall not impose any disability on Muslim nationals professing and practising their own religions, and shall not imply that the State is not a secular State.”

The Report showed that even though Islam is the official religion of Malaya, it does not mean that this country is an Islamic State. It is still a secular State.

In other words, in 1957 even before independence, the Alliance government had confirmed that, our country is a “secular state” after independence.

(2) In 1957, the Alliance government presented a White Paper titled “Federation of Malaysia Constitutional Proposals 1957” to describe the more important changes in the recommendations of the Constitutional Commission. This White Paper is to be read in conjunction with the Report of the Reid Commission.

(3) One of the important changes relates to the freedom of religion, and confirms that this country is a secular state even though Islam is declared to be official religion of the Federation. Paragraph 57 of the White Paper says:

“There has been included in the proposed Federal Constitution a declaration that Islam is the religion of the Federation. This will in no way affect the present position of the Federation as a secular state, and every person shall have the right to profess and practise his own religion, and the right to propagate his religion, though this last right is subject to any restrictions imposed by the State law relating to the propagation of any religious doctrine or belief among persons professing the Muslim religion.”

The speech by first Prime Minister Tungku Abdul Rahman in 1958

In 1958, a member of Parliament attempted to describe our country as an Islamic State, and felt that it was not appropriate to serve drinks on official functions. But our first Prime Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman expressed his regrets about the statement made by the MP. He declared in Parliament that: “I must make it clear that this country is not an Islamic State as the general public would have imagined. In fact, we only regard Islam as the official religion of the country.”

[See Dr. Ahmad Ibrahim “The Position of Islam in the Constitution of Malaysia” The late Dr Ahamd Ibrahim was an expert on Islamic Law in Malaysia.]

An assurance given by “Cobbald Commission” in 1962

When Malaysia was about to be formed in 1962, to avoid any doubts among the peoples of North Borneo and Sarawak about the position of Islam, as well as to prevent their opposition to the formation of Malaysia, the Malayan government gave an assurance in the Report of the Cobbald Commission that Article 3 of the Federal Constitution would not in any way jeopardise the freedom of religion in the Federation. The Federation of Malaysia will be a secular state.

An interview with Tunku Abdul Rahman in 1988

In 1988, the first Prime Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman gave an interview, and made a statement to the following effect:
“Now or in the near future, it is unnecessary to pretend that Malaysia will become an Islamic state. It is for the people to choose to become Muslims, and it is not for the State to decide. It must be left to the people’s own free will.

Article 3(1) of the Federal Constitution provides:

“Islam is the religion of the Federation; but other religions may be practised in peace and harmony in any part of the Federation.”

There is no provision in the Federal Constitution which stipulates that Malaysia is an Islamic State. “…the law in this country is still what it is today, secular …” (See Che Omar case 1988)

Secular English Law applies in this country

In fact, in 1956, before independence, there was legislation providing that this country must adopt the secular English Law, and not the Islamic Law. This piece of legislation was known as the Civil Law Ordinance 1956, which came into effect on 7 April 1956: s.3(1).

[Note: The English Law adopted by the various states is somehow different. West Malaysia adopted the English Law as at 7 April 1956. Sabah adopted the earlier English Law as at 1 December 1951. Sarawak basically adopted the earliest English Law as at 12 December 1949.]

The secular English Law mentioned above is applicable to this country until today.

Supreme Court in 1988: Malaysia is not an Islamic State.

On 29 February 1988, in a Supreme Court case of Che Omar bin Che Soh v Public Prosecutor. (The Supreme Court was formerly known as the “Federal Court”) 5 Supreme Court Judges sat and decided that Malaysia is not an Islamic State, but a secular state. Although Islam is the official religion of our country, the Islamic ceremony is to be used in official functions only.

The facts of the case are as follows:

A Muslim, was charged under the Arms (Increased Penalty) Act 1971 for being in possession of arms. He was sentenced to death. He appealed to the Supreme Court. The argument put forth by the defence counsel was: to impose death sentence in such a case was contrary to the Islamic Law; it was unconstitutional; since Islam is the official religion of the Federation, no death penalty should be imposed. But the Supreme Court did not accept such argument.

Tun Salleh Abas, the then Lord President of the Supreme Court, discussed the history of our Federal Constitution. He said that during the period of the British rule since the 19th century, “through their system of indirect rule and establishment of secular institutions, Islamic law was render isolated in a narrow confinement of “the law of marriage, divorce and inheritance only”.

To argue that Malaysia is an Islamic State “will be contrary to the constitutional and legal history of the Federation” The Civil Law Act provides for the introduction of English law in this country.

Article 3 of the Federal Constitution (that provides: Islam is the religion of the Federation), merely relates to Islamic rituals and ceremonies. It does not involve the entire concept of Islam. “The all-embracing concept of Islam is not limited to Islamic rituals and ceremonies only, but it is a comprehensive system of life, including its jurisprudence and moral standard”.

Prime Minister has no legal authority to declare that Malaysia is an Islamic State

By virtue of the doctrine of separation of powers, which is the basic principle of parliamentary democracy, the Prime Minister, as the executive head of the government, has no legal authority to declare our country as an Islamic State. Whether this country is an Islamic State or not, it has to be determined by the Constitution and the legal decisions of our Courts. In other words, it is within the purview of the judiciary, and not the executive.

The reason for this is that because in a parliamentary democracy, the doctrine of separation of powers applies. It requires the three branches of the State to be separate and apart from each other. No branch should encroach upon the province of the other. In particular, the judiciary ought not to be interfered with.

The judiciary must be independent. Any court decision should not be arbitrarily ignored by the executive head of the government. It is for the legislature, that is, Parliament, to amend the law and alter the decision of the highest court.

A decision of the Supreme Court (the highest court) is the final decision on the current law of the land. It must be respected and followed by every administrative head of the government and his officials. It can only be removed by Parliament introducing amendments to the current law. Under the doctrine of separation of powers, the head of the government has no legal authority to jettison overboard any decision of the Supreme Court at his whims and fancies.

(Source: Suaram: Viewed From the Legal Perspective, Malaysia is Not an Islamic State.)

Malaysia is certainly NOT an Islamic State

On 14 April 2004, Nanyang Siang Bao published a piece of news that the Chinese Study Research Centre, Kuala Lumpur conducted a discussion on the issue: “Is Malaysia an Islamic State?” The gist of the discussion is summarized as follows:

When our government declared that Malaysia is an Islamic State, it should have considered whether such declaration is consistent with the Federal Constitution.

Constitutionalism implies that power is to be restricted. We do not believe in a “government with absolute power”. It must be a “government with restricted power”. This is not so in the case of a government in an Islamic State.

Viewed from the historical perspective, constitutionalism had its origins in the dissatisfaction with totalitarianism. The main purpose of a Constitution is to decentralise the powers of the government with a view to preventing the emergence of a totalitarian government.

The BN government affirmed that it will not amend the Federal Constitution. On the other hand, it has openly declared that Malaysia is an Islamic State. This is far from being reasonable, and its legality is open to question.

In Malaysia, the Federal Constitution is the supreme law of the land. The supremacy of the Constitution implies that our Constitution is never a constitution of an Islamic State, where the divine law is above all secular law, including the Federal Constitution. The Federal Constitution is secular in nature, and not divine law.

The secular Federal Constitution has been upheld and practised up to this date. Such practice is inconceivable in an Islamic State. Any law in contravention of our Federal Constitution is void. Any law, whether it is divine or otherwise, which is inconsistent with the spirit of the Constitution as the supreme law of the land, is unconstitutional.

An Islamic State is largely governed by the Islamic Law. But it is common knowledge that the laws of Malaysia are not Islamic law. Since Malaysia as a whole is not governed by Islamic law, how on earth can Malaysia be described as an Islamic State?

In Malaysia, the Federal government and the State Government administer different sets of law. With regard to the Islamic law, each State government is responsible for the administration of the Islamic law in its State only. The Federal government is above the State government. A State government has only power to administer Muslim affairs in its own State. It is therefore beyond power of any State government to direct the Federal government to request all the States to implement Islamic law.

Today, the issue of an Islamic State must be thoroughly argued from the political point of view. The major problem that we are facing is: that the Islamic State is completely a different system incompatible with our secular system. Many Islamic States all over the world are plagued by various problems, which can only be resolved by way of resorting to the establishment of an authoritarian rule. It may be necessary to go beyond viewing the issue from the perspective of our Federal Constitution alone, since the solution lies with politics in the ultimate analysis.

The issue of the Islamic State should also be looked at from the socio-economic point of view. This is especially so when we make a study of the Middle East countries. These countries are slow in the process of modernization, unlike the European countries, which have undergone modernization at a fast pace. The only Islamic State which gets on the bandwagon of modernisation is Turkey, the reason being that it constantly undergoes the process of secularization.

If we acknowledge openly that Malaysia is an Islamic State, attempts will be made to amend the Federal Constitution in line with the Islamic jurisprudence. Therefore, we must reject outright the spurious argument that Malaysia is an Islamic State, or the muddle-headed thinking that this country is a so-called “secular Islamic State”.

We must disagree with such argument. We must reject such argument by way of expressing our sentiments of dissatisfaction, otherwise, the specious claim that Malaysia is an Islamic State may become an accomplished fact.

Beware - BN’s “Islamisation” conspiracy!

BN leaders are trying to disseminate a misleading statement and create a false impression that “at the time of achieving independence, our predecessors had obtained consent from the various communities. That this country is an Islamic State is acceptable to the Chinese ethnic group. Such state of affairs has existed for the past few decades and it will not be changed.”

In reality, this is a travesty or distortion of history. It is a vain attempt to put us off guard, with a view to warding off the tide of discontent which has been building up over the years.

On 24 November 2003, Nanyang Siang Bao carried an article titled “UMNO’s Policy of Islamisation”. It pointedly levelled criticism against UMNO for implementing its islamisation policy on the sly. UMNO pursued such policy with a view to ultimately amending the Federal Constitution at an opportune time, thereby converting Malaysia to an Islamic State.

“We should not rely on the numerical strength of UMNO as a relatively large ethnic group to oppose theocracy, that is, a country that is governed by religious leaders. A detailed study of UMNO’s Islamisation policy shows that the policy is being implemented gradually and imperceptibly. Compared to PAS, UMNO are short of theoreticians on theocracy who are able to formulate Islamic policies. UMNO is not in a position to present a more Islamic policy or blueprint than PAS.

But we cannot rule out the possibility of UMNO being able to complete with PAS. UMNO leaders frequently disseminate erroneous ideas among the public just to confound the voters. They try to argue that UMNO has more liberal and advanced Islamic policy than PAS, and that the policy adopted by PAS is “conservative and feudalistic’. UMNO even went to the extent of declaring openly that Malaysia is already an Islamic State.

UMNO’s Islamisation policy is implemented in a gradual but effective manner. With the passage of time, UMNO may be on a par with PAS in the process of implementing islamisation policy.

UMNO’s islamisation policy manifests itself in the manner the local authorities exercise their administrative powers, for example, restricting the business hours of the places of entertainment; limiting the size of the advertisement posters on drinks in the Chinese coffee shops; monitoring the “sinful” conduct of persons in public places; and restricting pork stalls to designated secluded areas.

In conclusion, it may be said that PAS declares openly and publicly its intention to realise an Islamic State, though PAS is a relatively smaller political party. On the other hand, UMNO, as a larger political party, does it surreptitiously. Each of them adopts a different approach to please its respective voters.

The open and transparent approach adopted by PAS certainly attracts Muslims, but it scares away non-Muslims. On the contrary, the gradual and stealthy approach adopted by UMNO puts the non-Muslims off guard, but garners the support of the Muslims. The conspicuous reticence or acquiescence of the non-Muslim political parties within BN serves to give the green light to UMNO to go ahead with their sinister plan to establish an Islamic State free from all inhibitions.

Say ‘NO’ to an Islamic State now, or we will soon be in it.

DAP’s firm and unequivocal stand is:

Malaysia is not an Islamic State.
Malaysia is a secular state.

Give us your full support to defend our country as a secular state!

馬 來 西 亞 不 是 回 教 國

對回教頗有研究的學者Chandra Muzaffa 2001年在檳城發表文章指出:可蘭經文中,根本就沒提到過建立“回教國”這回事。

Patricia Martinez 博士指出,在回教國,非回教徒被稱為Chimmi(或Zimmi),當作被回教徒征服的人,只配當第二等公民,不能享有和人民同等的權利。這點,違反我國《聯邦憲法》所闡明的關於基本人權的條文。也就是說,它違反了“法律面前,人人平等”的基本權利。(《憲法》第8條)









【注:上述資料,取自我國回教法律專家阿末依不拉欣博士(Dr.Ahmad Ibrahim) 著:《伊斯蘭在憲法中的地位》。)




其實,早在獨立前,1956年,馬來亞就有法律規定,我國必須採用世俗的英國法,而不是回教法。這項法令就是1956年4月7日,開始實施的《民事法》法令(Civil Law Act 1956)(見法令第3(1)條)


1988年2月29日,我國最高法院(當時稱為“聯邦法院”)在一個判例《眾烏馬‐案》(Che Omar bin Che Soh VPP)中,五司會審,確認:馬來西亞不是一個回教國,而是一個世俗國。雖說,回教是我國的官方宗教,那只是在一些官方儀式上,採用回教儀式而已。
當時的最高法院院長,沙烈 阿峇士,探討了我國的憲制歷史後 ,確認《憲法》中第3條條文所提到的伊斯蘭教是我國的宗教這點,只涉及回教禮節和儀式,而不涉及回教整個概念。回教的整個概念不只是關係到禮儀而已,還有一套完整的生活體系,包括法學哲理和道德行為等。





~ 我認為我們的政府應該考慮到當他們宣佈馬來西亞是回教國時,是否符合憲法?憲政主義已說明權力是有限的,我們不相信一個“絕對政府”absolute government,而應該是“局限政府”Limited government,這就與回教國的體制不一樣。

~ 政府說他們不會修改憲法,另一頭又宣佈馬來西亞是回教國,這是不合理的。我們有Supreme Law of the Federation,所謂憲法至上,我們的憲法基本上就是一個不是回教國的憲法,所有違反憲法的法律,都應當無效。這裏雖指法律,但我想在精神方面,我們的舉止言行也不應違背憲法。

另外,我們說馬來西亞不是一個回教國是基於回教國的一個特徵是他們的法律符合回教法Syariah Courts,而我們不是。馬來西亞的制法權是分開的,聯邦政府和州政府有各自的制法權,其中州政府的制法權是包括回教條文,但是他們沒有權利要求所有聯邦政府管轄的州屬實行回教教義。

~ 今天,馬來西亞的回教國問題必須力爭,從民主政治角度去爭論。我們面對最大的問題是回教國是個完全不同的體制,我們世俗的體制和它絕對不相容的。基本上,回教國家面對許多問題,他們只能以強權去統治國民。我們不能只從法律憲法的角度看事情,因為最終決定一切的還是政治。


~ 一旦我們公然承認了我們是回教國,以後就不能爭論了,他們也可以跟據回教教義修訂憲法。因此我們絕對不能自稱回教國或世俗回教國。

~ 關於表態,我認為華團絕對不能同意甚至要反對,因為如果沒有反對的浪潮,慢慢就會成為一種約束性。

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