The DAP Miri branch committee member Mr Yong believed that, the local council must be elected by the people, in order to eradicate corruption, abuse of power and inefficiency.
From the photo we can see that Moist Jaya's drainage covers have been disappeared long time ago, however, after published in the newspaper for more than weeks but the concerned authority still does not take any action to handle it, there are piles of rubbish in the drainage.
The people who pay the tax are impossible to delay the payment, will be fined after the due date. However, the local council collects taxes but can do nothing.
Mr. Yong calls upon all the Miri people to use their votes to teach BN's corrupted local council a good lesson in the coming parliament election.
1 comment:
是什麼維護了我們生態環境的平衡, 為下一代留下一份希望的遺產?
朋友, 是你!是妳!若你/妳怨恨看見眼前腐敗的趨勢,掛名行騙的國陣政府, 站起來吧! 在來屆大選, 認真投下你/妳手中那珍貴的一票.
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