SUPP no need to claim the credit
The first Deputy Chief Minister of Sarawak YB Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Dr. George Chan Hong Nam expressed that, it is impossible for the representative of DAP stands at the roundabout to pull the banner and to vainly dream for the construction of the flyover. He said that “The Opposition party only knows to speak and to claim the credit! They cannot actually hand over the result and strive for the development.”
Dap Miri Branch Chairman Fong Pau Teck believed that it is the people who pay the taxes, developments are the government’s responsibilities, under the pressure of the frontier party and the people’s voice, the government executed its duty of the development, based on the common sense, both parties just perform their own responsibilities, no need to take credit for other’s achievement. However, someone has suffered from a seriously lost recalling sickness, obstinately pointed at the frontier party snatching the merit, what’s a pity to see such a course of action, Therefore, PT Fong has no choice but to point out some facts to let all Miri residents to have a look, and to remind someone in the meanwhile.
As PT Fong pointed out, a news on 23 Feb 2006, PKR Mr Chong (張官發) questioned, in 1995, the authority announced in the newspaper that under the 7th Malaysia Plan the Puchong roundabout was planned to build a flyover but where is it now? Mr Chong pointed out at that time, in 2005, Assistant Minister YB Lee Kim Shin announced that, will strive for the construction of the flyover in Puchong roundabout, he does not hope that the plan which was announced by Lee Kim Shin will only put into effect in the 9th or 10th Malaysia Plan.
Moreover, according to a newspaper report on 19 March 2006, Mr Chong(張官發) held a press conference and said, on 19 May 1995, Sarawak government had a plan in Pujut 7 bright to establish a path to south to link up the Miri Airport, but after 11 years, this project has not certainly been carried out. Mr Chong also expressed regrettably, The Federal project minister YB Dato’ Seri S.Samy Vellu came to inspect the progression of the project, the concerned authority did not strive from him for the allocation of fund for the construction of the flyover, and he thought this was the best opportunity to set the request for Samy.
After that, in 27 Apr 2006, Assistant Minister of Infrastructure Development & Communications Sarawak YB Lee Kim Shin pointed out in the press conference, The YB Dato’ Seri S.Samy Vellu inspected Miri few days ago pointed out that, due to the scope of the Puchong roundabout was smaller, the construction of the flyover was hard to carry out, therefore, the plan to build a flyover in this place was not taken in. only had to seek for other methods to solve the traffic congestion problem.
Lee Kim Shin also expressed simultaneously, “regarding the plan of the flyover construction in Pujut roundabout, because the copy of the 9th Malaysia plan has not arrived, then we must look at the content of the 9th Malaysia Plan then only we know.”(Newspaper report on 28 Apr 2006)
Till last year during the period of the state election campaign, DAP MP YB Teresa Kok Suh Sim and the Candidate of Pujut, Fong Pau Teck, held a press conference on the roadside of Pujut Corner roundabout called upon the concerned authority to pay attention on the traffic jam problem in Pujut Corner roundabout. (Newspaper report on 19 May 2006)
The then date of the election coming very soon, on 20 May 2006 newspaper reported that YB Dato’ Seri S.Samy Vellu announced Miri will soon carry out two flyovers in Pujut Roundabout and Puchong Roundabout. Samy also specially stressed, this two impractical flyovers were already drawn up the construction plans by the authority earlier, nothing to do with any person who stood on the roundabout. Certainly we have no way to examine closely if there is no reminder from the frontier party, whether the authority still remembered about this plan. But one thing for sure that if these two plans had not been carried out, the DAP MP YB Teresa Kok surely will take this to the Parliament Meeting to find the reason in it.
Looking through the entire incident, no matter PKR, or DAP, have not pulled the banner, also have not claimed the merit. Everybody is only carrying out the complete responsibilities of being a frontier party. PT Fong hopes that the concerned person can check thoroughly the facts first as it will still not be too late to speak.
房保德則認為人民繳納稅務,地方發展是政府的責任,在反對黨和人民的輿論壓力下, 政府履行發展的任務,於情於理雙方都只為了盡各自的責任,無需為此而邀功。 然而,有人患了嚴重的失憶症,硬指反對黨搶功勞,此一作法實為令人遺憾的。因此房保德不得不舉出一些事實來讓所有美里市民看看,順便提醒某人。
另外根據19/3/06的新聞報導,張官發又召開記者會說,1995年5月19日,砂州政府有計劃在埔奕7號路橋處開闢一條南下道路貫通美里機場,但事隔11年的今天,這項工程並沒有落實。 張先生也表示遺憾,聯邦工程部長拿督斯里三美維魯來巡視公程進展時, 當局並沒向他爭取美里建造高空架道的撥款,他認為這是最佳時機向三美提出要求。
而後,基本設施發展與通訊部助理部長李景勝在27/4/06的記者會上指出, 公共工程部長拿督斯里三美維魯日前來美里巡視時指出, 由於大鐘樓交通圈的位置範圍較小,要製造架空大道的工程難以進行,所以,在該地建造架空大道的計劃不被接納,唯有尋求其他的方法來解決交通擁擠的問題。
眼看就到了當時的選舉日,在20/5/06的新聞中就報導了工程部長拿督斯里三美維魯宣布美里將落實埔奕交通島與埔鐘交通島的兩座架空大道。 三美還特別強調,該兩座架空大道是當局之前早已擬定的建設計劃,與任何人站在交通島的事無關。當然我們無從考究如沒有在野黨的提醒,有關當局是否還記得這項計劃。但有一點是可以肯定,如果這兩項計劃沒有落實,行動黨的國會議員郭素沁勢必在國會裡追究那不能落實的原因。 由這整個事件來看,不管是公正黨,還是行動黨,沒有拉布條,也沒有搶功勞。大家都只是在履行身為在野政黨應盡的責任而已。房保德希望有關人士能查清事實之後再發言也不遲。