1. 由美里區的民主行動黨,公正黨,回教黨和國民黨組成的美里民聯秘書處在08/04/2010 正式宣告成立。
DAP, PKR, PAS and SNAP have formed a Pakatan Raykat secretarial council in Miri on the date 08/04/2010
2. 美里區的民聯四黨各委任4位代表在秘書處。
Each party has appointed 4 representatives in this council.
3. 這秘書處主要的目的在協調美里區的民聯各黨,專注在選區的活動。
The purpose of the council is to coordinate the four parties in Pakatan Raykat, and focus of the ground work.
4. 這秘書處不討論各黨的選區劃分,同意選區的劃分由高層決定。
Seat allocation will not be discussed in this council; we are all agreed that leaves the seat allocation to the higher authority in each party.
3 years ago