A new bus terminal cost 3.5 millions has been built almost 4 years ago left empty!!!
MMC must be explained to the Miri people ....
為了紓解市區的交通系統,確保公共巴士,包括外省巴士不至於一窩蜂湧入交通日益繁忙的市中心,2007年美里市政局已劃分北區,中區和南區,建造3個巴士總站,供川行外省和城市巴士停泊。當時市政局表示,預料在未來 3至5年內,可落實該項全盤計劃。
坐落在杜當區 emart 對面的 "北區巴士站" 的建設工程,耗資約 350萬令吉已經在2007年中完工。
今年2010年已經快結束了,為何完工了近四年還不用? 美里市政局必需要向人民解釋為何這種事會發生? 又來一個白象計劃?
現在市政局要如何補救? 有沒有什麼補救的方法? 有沒積極的在做?
2 years ago
1 comment:
I urge DAP to start writing in at lease 2 languages because a lot of native been asking is DAP for Chinese n Indian only? Please don't make them feel left out. If we want to get the rural support, we also need to start to bring the distance closer with the non Chinese. Please look into the matter.
If you want us to support we want sarawakian for sarawakian. Not Chinese only. we would love to see DAP with Iban, bidayuh, orang ulu and all. These will make ur reach the target audiences. This is very important. We have to show DAP is for the rakyat.
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