1. 砂州成為全馬最落後的州屬,在聯合國的報告書中形容砂州貧窮如非洲國家,國陣還沾沾自喜。
2. 砂州天然資源豐富,有全馬最大片的森林和最大的木桐開採區,有全馬最大的油田和天然氣田,有全馬最大的水霸和最漂亮的旅遊景點。但人民的生活品質全馬最差,有全馬最高的赤貧率,砂州國陣政府還在自欺欺人。
3. 砂州至所以落後,由於只有砂州國陣高官自己分享財富,平民百姓却分據債務,一切發展都是為了朋黨暴利,虛報帳目,黑箱作業和中飽私囊。
4. 納稅人每年辛辛苦苦繳付數百億令吉來發展,那都是人民辛辛苦苦賺來的血汗錢,但是我國政府的發展,往往是一今吉只剩4毛錢,過半的資源被浪費掉,以至砂州成為全馬最落後的州屬。
5. 2011年3月10日的報章,人聯黨的州議員謝超發指美里有4000非法木屋,這才只是其中一個例子。單單在美里就有4千非法木屋,全砂到底一共有幾間非法木屋?
3 years ago
I can't believe it that your blog is in mandarin. You've just alienated a large section of the community. How do you expect to win more votes!!!!!! I'm English educated but & don't read manadarin. So does a lot of Bumi who do not either! What do uou stand for? That's what I wanto to know.
Dear YB,
Congratulations for your victory in the last state election….
I have been observing the aftermath of the just concluded state election in term of the voters and the newly elected DAP YBs. For the voters, the Chinese start to worry about the future especially when there are so many adverse voices and calls to exclude the Chinese representation in the government, some even called forget about Chinese in this state….and the list go on….
For DAP, you guys shall NOT get too carried away by the victory and indulge in the victory for too long BUT to address the concern of your voters soonest with your mission statement, action plan etc. You shall advertise your mission statement and action plan big and clear in the Chinese, Malay, Tamil and Iban News paper in order to pacify their worry and anxiety.
DAP shall make known to your voters on what is next? How are you going to take it up from here? Where you plan to go and how? How are you going to make your voters’ voice loud and clear in the DUN.
What are you going to bring about in the next election? How are you going to contribute to the people in the next five years though there is reduction the representation in the government and even the loss of the most important portfolio….
Your voters just don’t want to see DAP keeps celebrating their victory and analysing the results for so long and forget about addressing the anxiety of the people about their future after they have voted DAP in the DUN. The voters start asking themselves whether they have made a right choice???????
Thank you.
Please DAP need to get translator to make the information readable for all races. We don't want to neglect those non Chinese who voted you. This is very important!!!! Else you'll lose your support from the non chinese.
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