Sunday, 9 September 2007

27 位美里市議員在哪裡?

DAP Miri Branch Chairman Fong Pau Teck received complaints from some merchants from the Moist Jaya, the drainage covers have already been stolen for a long time, but did not see any action has been taken by the city council. Some covers have been stolen for more than a year, also has not seen the city council comes to reinforce those which have not been stolen in order to prevent from thievery, and caused recently some existing drainage covers in front of some shop houses were stolen again.

The shop owners worried that such deep drainage, the children, run here and there to play around, might accidentally fall inside and injured. If these happen, who has to pay the compensation? If some elders, especially those eye sight are not good, walk pass and accidentally fall inside, the consequences are extremely inconceivable. Whether the city council will take up the responsibility at that moment?

Many residents are doubting about the management ability of the city council, the cases of iron stealing was not only happening recently, why has not welded the existing cover of the iron drainage yet? Or has already had "communicated" with the iron stealing thieves? Let them steal the iron cover entirely?

Except the scrap iron yard, where should those things go? Why do not see any scrap yard which collected "stolen goods” being punished? What had the city council done about this? Where are the city councillors?

Moreover, Fong Pau Teck calls upon SUPP to work hard on " improving the existing democratic politics", from the controversy of the Kuching South City mayor, we may see that the immense power of SUPP in the state government has been sidelined. SUPP now can "seize the opportunity" to impel the mayor and the city councillors to be elected by the people, return the politic power to the people.

At least, if the mayor and the city councillors are elected by the people, the opportunities SUPP hold are still bigger than the other political parties, this act can also hold the political strength of this party. And not like now, depend slavishly upon the whims and the pleasures of others and live on one's favours. If Supp do not strive for the breakthrough in politics, the political strength will be inferior day after day; this will finally have to be hoist with its own petard. Moreover, if it calls into action to impel and deepen the political democratization like the local council is elected by the people, may also leave a good reputation in Sarawak history.

Otherwise, if Supp has lost its government position one by one, it will only leave people an "incompetent" impression!



溝通?讓他們盡量去偷?而且這些東西除了去癈鐵廠還會去哪裡?怎麼沒看到收 贓物的癈鐵廠受到對付?在這當中市政府做了什麼?市議員又在哪裡?

房保德要呼籲人聯黨要在 改善現有的民主政治上多做出一些努力,從古晉南市市長的爭議上,我們可以看出目前人聯黨在州政府內己經大權落旁。人聯黨現在可以 乘機推動市長和市議員民選,還政於民。最起碼市長和市議員如民選的話,人聯黨選上的機會都大於讓何其他的政黨,此舉也可保有該黨的政治實力。而不是像現在一樣,仰人鼻息和看某人臉色做事。不求在政治上的突破,政治實力一天不如一天,這最終將必自食其果!而且如推動和加深政治民主化如地方議會民選,也可以在砂州史上留下好名聲。否則,如一個官位接着一個官位的失去的話,只會給人民留下一個 無能的印象。

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

送你一句安東尼.羅賓的話:的確,沒錯,我們是無法掌控大自然中的風,雨,雷,電,但最起碼可以操控船帆,朝著即定的方向而去!..總有成功的一天的! 我給你和所有的DAP人加油哦^_^