Thursday, 27 December 2007








PT Fong

Don't have to wait 14 days



第一, 民主行動黨和房保德/我在這一件事上從頭到尾就只針對一個問題就是“修改砂州土地法典”,和一個訴求就是“地契期到期自動更新99”。如果砂州地契沒有“到期自動更新”的話,我們很難確保一些地契在“即將到期”時會有一些法外立法,或者沒在土地法典中闡明的條件都會被例出來,一些普通的小市民常常成為受害者後都往往都有苦難言。所以店屋必需重建,即將到期的地契才能獲得自動更新,只是一個例子針對現今不合理的砂州土地法典而提出來的。這是每個人民都有權利針對任何問政策上的不公平而批評政府施政上不當的措施。

第二, 一個政黨(尤其在野黨)的任務就是監督政府的施政,在野黨最主要的任務就是“為民喉舌”,針對政府的不當施政做出批評。身為在野政黨民主行動黨的一份子,反映人民的心聲、人民的意見和人民的訴求乃在野黨的職責。

第三, 現在店主既然已經透過我表達心聲,我就不能因為有人恫言要起訴我,我就透露他們的身份。當然如有店主願意主動站出來那就另當別論。本人絕對尊重投訴者的意願和保護他們,雖然有店主一直的在表明他的名字可以被提出來。

第四, 我不會針對這件事的言論做出任何道歉。如有關方面有意起訴的話,我的建議不必等十四天。我會坦然的去面對一切的後果,對本人所有的言論負責。


PT Fong

Sunday, 2 December 2007

It is the owners who oppose the reconstruction of their shops on high street in Miri. 反對大街重建是店主的意願

DAP Miri branch chairman Fong Pau Teck indicated in a press conference today, certainly it was not Mr. Fong "himself" to oppose the reconstruction of the high street commercial shop lots, instead, "the shop owners" opposed, PT Fong only spoke out the aspiration of the majority shop owners. Mr Fong also pointed out that, he had interviewed some shop owners, included a famous person, Mr Ma, in Miri, he also opposed the reconstruction. The shop owner, Mr Ma said his shop will not collapse even though passes through another 100 years, therefore, reconstruction is not necessary. According to Mr Ma, only minor repair will do, such as to change the roofs as well as to made a firewall, to change the lignin floors so as the water pipes and the electrical wires.

This unnecessary reconstruction will at least make the shop owners lost more than 300 thousands (more than a year's rental loss and nearly 200 thousands reconstruction fees). This is simply to waste the people’s hard earn money.

On 16 Nov 2006, Dato' Sim沈福源 expressed in the press: "the owners of the old shop area, because of the structure of the shops has already worn out, the appearance is not pleasing to the eyes, and this is entirely uncoordinated with the development of the whole city, therefore, they( the shop owners) actively proposed to have the renovation project, and apply to prolong the land titles from the government.

But after a few days, on 22 Nov 2006, CM expressed, he was informed that a group of merchants from Miri High Street wanted to renew their land titles urgently. He told Dr Chan副首長陳康南 that unless these commercial shops have been reconstructed, otherwise, he will not authorize them to renew the land titles. He said, “These shops are very old, they constructed at the year of 1950s. Miri has become a modern city now, if allow them to renew the land titles automatically, this will cause recession in the future, the value of the related shops and area will depreciate."

A year later, on 30 Nov 2007, Mr Sim expressed in the newspaper, shops which had been constructed during British colony, due to the building materials cannot be achieved the safety standard, there might be a possibility to collapse in the future, therefore, decided to have them reconstruct. (30 Nov 2007 United Daily)

The people feel confused about this, CM's words clearly indicated the reason for the reconstruction of the shops and he had never mentioned that the shops in this area might face the collapse problem in the future. If there is really such a matter, did the state government appoint any experts to investigate the old shops in Miri? Are there any assessment documents to prove that the shops in the concerned area will face the crisis to collapse? The buildings during British colony, the standard was definitely according to the local construction standard in England, if the shops in such area will face this problem after few decades, does this mean that the buildings in England or those were built in the Common Wealth countries during British colony will also face the problem? If the answer is firm, all the buildings which are over 60 years should also be reconstructed then, will not the demolished waste materials make our earth burden deeply?

If the decision of the reconstruction for Miri old shops, which is without any experts' assessment documents support, means any title of the buildings which almost expiry and intend to renew the land titles, will probably face the misfortune and be ordered to reconstruct. How could the people bear with the heavy cost of renewal plus the reconstruction fees?

Only amend the land code, allowing automatic renewal for the land titles 99 years on the expiry date, can only safeguard the people's rights and interests. The properties of the people will only then cannot be confiscated casually by the government. Besides the above problems in which relate to the Sarawak Land Code, also evolving the problem of corruption as well as the abusing of power.

民主行動黨美里支部主席房保德今天對媒體表示,並不是房保德 本人反對大街的店屋重建,而是店主反對,房保德只是說出大部份店主的心聲而已。房保德指出,他訪問了一些的店主,包括美里一位有名的馬姓的店主,他們都反對重建。馬姓店主說他的店再經過一百年都不會倒塌,重建是沒有必要的。根據馬姓的店主表示,只要做局部的翻修既可,如翻新屋頂和加建防火牆,木的樓板翻新,水管和電線換新既可。

這沒必要的重建至少讓店主損失超過三十萬令吉(一年多的租金損失和接近二十萬令吉的重建費用)。而且重建後新店的價值() 並沒有提高,簡直是勞民傷財。

16/11/06拿督沈福源曾對媒體說: "舊店屋地區的店主,基於店屋結構已殘舊不已,外貌也不美觀,這和美里整個城市的發展不協調,所以,他們(店主)都主動提出翻新工程,並向政府申請延長地契"

在幾天之後的22/11/06 ,首長丕顯斯里阿都泰益瑪目表示,他被告知,美里大街的一群商家非常迫切想要盡快更新他們的地契,他告訴副首長拿督巴丁宜陳康南,除非這些商店重新修建, 否則他將不會批准他們更新地契。他說: "這些店屋已非常殘舊,它們是在1950年年代建造的。如今美里已經成為一個摩登的城市,如果允許他們自動更新地契,這在未來將會造成肅條,有關商店和地區的價值將貶值"

事隔一年後的30/11/07 ,沈福源卻在報章表示,英殖民地時期建設的商店,由於建材問題不合安全標準,日後有可能會面對倒塌,因此決定拆除重建。 30 / 117"聯和日報"


