Friday, 26 September 2008





1. 房先生,您好!我是來自黃女士,想請求您的幫忙!本人有一個女兒在槟城理大念第一年大學。這一段日子每一天都幫上網查詢過年來回機票,好讓她能回家一起團聚。可是一次又一次的令我失望!尤其是馬航,很常在報章上刊登有便宜的機票,(可參考XX的星州日報) 說新年期間KL-MIRI 的有RM22的便宜票,怎知上網看看,發現都是兩、三百的機票,有受騙的感覺!

2. 這種假象已經發生好一段日子,即使一架飛機里所規定皂便宜機位滿了,也不應該每次在報章上這樣刊登,常使人一場歡喜一場空!另外我也不滿亞航,我相信這也是很多人的心聲!為何每到佳節期間,來回東馬和西馬的票比去外國的還貴?雖說他們很早就有提供offer,但由于時間過早,根本不佑什麼時候是適合回鄉或出去度假的!就像我一友人,在去年買好今年十一月假期的機票,怎知公司派他去中國公幹,那張好幾百塊的機票就被丟了!

3. 就以女兒的case 來說,她今年七月去理大,不能很確定到底什麼時候放年假及放幾天,她們23/1 還有考試,試問這種不肯定情況之下怎樣去幫她提早訂機票?其實政府鼓勵人民在國內旅遊,就應該在佳節期間提供低廉機票,讓東西馬人來往旅遊,而不是提供外國廉價機票,讓國人到國外廉價旅遊!這是很沒道理的!

4. 我女兒這次新年從檳城—吉隆坡—美里,來回機票是RM999以上!反之去外國的便宜多了。希望你能幫我查清楚這些假象,並將我的心聲投向報章,刊登出來。想信這是很多人惖心聲,多謝!

5. 跟你說清楚一點:我女兒被告知她23/1應該有考試,但不肯定會考到幾點,所以造成我不能提早幫她訂機票!

Saturday, 13 September 2008


DAP MIRI branch condemned severely the BN government for continuing to apply the Internal Security Act in the arrest of journalist Tan Hoon Cheng, DAP leader Teresa Kok and blogger Raja Petra Kamaruddin.

They were arrested under the Internal Security Act 1960, article 73(1). This provision empowers the police to arrest without warrants in the case of arrest or detention or destruction which could undermine the safety of people in Malaysia.

Government, through the high-handed approach to attack the dissidents, the main objective is to maintain its corrupt regime, the more the government involves in corruption the more the government will adopt the high-handed measures. Corrupt government usually takes the national security and the sensitive issues of races and religion as an excuse to use ISA to attack the dissidents and the journalists in order to further cover up its improper administration. Its aim is to restrain the people who are daring to voice and act.

To our regret, for those who stirred up a storm with comments that allegedly described the Chinese community as squatters in the country is not investigated by the government, but for those who really reported out the truth was arrested, this proved that the BN is just to consolidate its racial politics, and to attack on the freedom and independence of the media.

On the eve of 916 "sky-change", BN government uses such vigorous and resolute means; it is hard to prevent the people from not thinking that BN is attempting to prevent the "sky-change". BN didn't learn a good lesson from 308, but getting even worse to use hegemonic approach to attack the media and the blogosphere. It ignores totally the voice of the people.

DAP Miri branch deplores severely on this arrest under ISA, and urges the concerned authorities to immediately release all the people who were arrested into custody. If BN continues to ignore the people's voice, it will only accelerate the arrival of Malaysia "sky-change"







Friday, 12 September 2008

916 變不變?



Sunday, 7 September 2008

Story about a Prostitute

Story about a Prostitute