Friday 5 October 2007


Miri people say: Miri City Mayor and Miri SUPP leaders. Don’t fall back!

So many times, many Miri residents complain lots of livelihood problems to Miri City Council. Miri city council often declines them with all sorts of excuses. Then, the people have no choice and finally look for DAP Miri Branch Chairman Fong Pau Teck. However, very often, after Mr. Fong exposed the problem in the newspaper, the concerned authority tries very hard to deny their responsibilities.

Now even they even use the party members to pretend the general public to attack PT Fong, the only purpose is to let the city council getting out from the responsibility.

SUPP leaders please do not fall back. To be the government servants should be able to accept all criticisms from the tax payers. Tax has been collected by the government, the general public is the boss, and government servants should listen to what the people say. But not again and again using the party members to pretend the general public to deny the responsibility!




1 comment:

Anonymous said...


DAP領袖個個都有如馬拉松選手, 需要十足耐力和毅力無限期為民主打鬥,為人民申冤,為建立更祥和的社會,更美好的國家而奮鬥,犧牲.

你...辛苦了! 懂你的小魚想送你"喬治.希韓"所說的一句話和你共勉: