Fong Pau Teck
Education: Educated in a Chinese primary school in Sibu. Obtained a Bachelor degree in Economics in the Soochow University in Taiwan, ROC, (台灣東吳大學) in the year 1997, and Master degree of Msc in Risk Management in the University of Southampton in England in the year 2001.
Political profile: Joined DAP in 2002.
Contested in 2006 Sarawak state election and 2008 Malaysia parliament election. 2011~ State Assemblyman
2019 – A challenging yet rewarding year!
When I was young, I just can’t imagine what life will be in 2020….. and now
a new year is just around the corner. 2019 is an extremely busy year (and
Though there are provisions in the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998 that say there is no censorship of the Internet, the fact is, Internet does not operate in a legal vacuum in Malaysia. So, before you post your comments in this blog, bear in mind that whatever is illegal offline is illegal online in this country. In other words, "Any comments posted on the blog that are obscene, blasphemous, racial or threatening, including the use of partial words or phrases where the intent is clearly offensive, will be removed. Such comment could also render the person posting them liable under the law of Malaysia."
傳說很久以前, 有一對修行千年的兔子, 得道成了仙. 它們有四個可愛的女兒, 個個生得純白伶俐.
一天, 玉皇大帝召見雄兔上天宮, 它依依不捨地離開妻兒, 踏著雲彩上天宮去. 正當它來到南天門時, 看到太白金星帶領天將押著嫦娥從身邊走去. 兔仙不知道發生什麼事, 就問旁邊一位看守天門的天神. 聽完她的遭遇后, 兔仙覺得嫦娥無辜受罪, 很同情她. 但是自己力量微薄, 能幫什麼忙呢? 想到嫦娥一個人關在月宮里, 多麼寂寞悲傷, 要是有人陪伴就好了, 突然想到自己的四個女兒, 它立即飛奔回家.
兔仙把嫦娥的遭遇告訴雌兔, 并說想送一個孩子跟嫦娥做伴. 雌兔雖然深深同情嫦娥, 但是又捨不得自己的寶貝女兒, 這等於是割下它心頭的肉啊! 几個女兒也捨不得父母, 一個個淚流滿面. 雄兔語重心長說道:"如果是我孤獨地被關起來, 你們願意陪伴我嗎? 嫦娥為了解救百姓, 受到牽累, 我們能不同情她嗎? 孩子, 我們不能只想道自己呀!"
孩子們明白了父親的心, 都表示願意去. 雄兔和雌兔眼里含著淚, 笑了. 它們決定讓最小的女兒去.
最後,小玉兔告別父母和姐姐們, 到月宮陪伴嫦娥住了!
今天, 就送這只"胖子玉兔"給你, 愿這可愛和幸運的玉兔天天陪在你身邊讓你堅強渡過每個艱難和辛苦的時刻.
(") (")
你加油喔, 要加油喔!
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