Monday 22 October 2007

這就是人聯領袖為民服務的精神?Is this the party supp spirit in “serving for the people"?

“Do not impose what you don’t want to others”, this statement definitely cannot be found from the dictionary of some of the SUPP local leaders. On the other hand, we only can see the situation “what we don’t want…. impose to others” from them.

After receiving a complaint from Sg. Rait locals, DAP Miri branch chairman cum assistant-secretary of DAP Sarawak state committee Fong Pau Teck went to the location to look at the problem personally and discovered the following situation.

The drainage along both sides of the road should maintain unobstructedly, but the drainage of the one side of the road, “very coincidentally” when it reaches the area of the houses of some SUPP local leaders, it found that being "obstructed". Moreover, they can even mobilize the local authority, of course to use our tax payers' money, to dig an under-ground drainage that led the water to the other side of the road. One household, on the downstream, who has actually suffered a lot whenever heavy rain as the water can hardly be drained away. The concerned person expressed if letting the water from the opposite road to lead over again, the consequence really cannot be imagined, if heavy rain happens again, the road might be also collapsed. Again, needed to use our tax payers' money to repair the road. Just because the areas of Supp local leaders will not get flooded under heavy rain, and don’t care about others alive or not.

PT Fong unavoidably wants to question Supp. Is this the party spirit in “serving people"?

Mr Fong even wonders very much about the management ability of the local council. We can see from many signs where the local council is not elected by the people has caused all sort of abuse of power. Mr Fong has called upon the concerned authority to look at this case seriously to avoid making it an election issue.


民主行動黨美里支部主席兼砂州委員會副秘書房保德接到Sg. Rait居民投訴後到當地了解情況後發現以下的情況。




1 comment:

Anonymous said...

莎士比亞有句話:人世間的煊赫光榮, 往往產生在罪惡之中, 為了身外的浮名, 犧牲自己的良心.
將這句名言套在國陣的一些領袖官員身上是沒有錯的. 因為他們忘記了該用"良心"來服務人民...!
今天...懂你的小魚特別給你送上滿滿的鼓勵,給你打氣, 加油 ^_^